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How to Make a Lemon Volcano Science Experiment

Lemon Volcanoes sensory science

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A lemon volcano is a fantastic hands-on science experiment that brings a little zest to learning! This activity combines a simple chemical reaction with sensory play!  It will excite and engage young learners while introducing them to some basic scientific principles. I love that you can bring science to life with everyday materials like lemons!

Whether you’re homeschooling, teaching in the classroom, or simply looking for a fun educational activity at home, lemon volcanoes are popular with kids of all ages. In this post, I am going to dive into the science behind it, give you some step-by-step instructions, and tell you the educational benefits of this extra fun science experiment.

The Science Behind Lemon Volcanoes

The lemon volcano is an acid-base reaction. Lemons contain citric acid, a naturally occurring weak acid. When you mix this with a base, like baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), a chemical reaction occurs. This reaction produces carbon dioxide gas, which creates the fun fizzing and bubbling effect that looks like a mini volcano erupting.

lemon volcano

As the lemony citric acid reacts with the baking soda, carbon dioxide bubbles form and create a foamy eruption. Food coloring can be added to enhance the visual effect, making the reaction even more exciting.  Add a little dish soap for an even foamier reaction! 

science of a lemon volcano

How to Make a Lemon Volcano


lemon volcano supplies

Fresh lemon halves
Baking soda (around 1 tablespoon per lemon)
Liquid dish soap (optional, for more frothy bubbles)
Liquid food coloring (optional, for added fun)
A small tray, plate or pan to contain the mess
Spoon, fork, or popsicle stick for mixing
A knife (for adult use)
Aprons & safety goggles if desired

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Lemons:
    Cut off the bottom of each lemon so that it can sit upright. Then, carefully slice off the top to expose the flesh of the lemon inside. You can use a whole lemon or half of the lemon for this experiment.

    preparing lemons for science experiment

  2. Loosen the Pulp:
    Use a craft stick or spoon to stir and mash the pulp inside the lemon, which helps release the citric acid in the lemon juice.
    food coloring for lemon volcano
  3. Add Food Coloring (Optional):
    For a colorful volcano, drop a few drops of food coloring inside the lemon. Red, orange, or yellow work well to mimic a real volcanic eruption! We used blue because I loved the cool contrast! Use all of the colors in different sections and make a rainbow of volcanoes!
  4. Add Dish Soap (Also optional):
    To make the reaction frothier, squeeze a little dribble of dish soap on top of the lemon pulp.
  5. Make the Lemon Volcano Erupt:
    Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda directly onto the lemon’s exposed pulp. Almost immediately, you’ll see bubbling and fizzing as the reaction begins!

    lemon volcanoes science experiment

  6. Create More Eruptions:
    Use your spoon to mix the lemon pulp and baking soda together. You can also squeeze the lemon to help release more juice and keep the reaction going.

Volcano Variations:

Try the experiment with a different type of citrus fruit such as limes, or grapefruit.  Make an apple volcano or pumpkin volcano using baking soda and vinegar. 

Educational Benefits of the Lemon Volcano Experiment

sensory science

Intro to Chemical Reactions: Lemon volcanoes are a fun and easy way to introduce kids to chemical reactions. They can observe how acids (citric acid) and bases (baking soda) react to form new substances, such as carbon dioxide. This can give a foundation for understanding more complex chemistry later on.

Sensory and Hands-on Learning: We love all kinds of hands-on learning here! This activity engages many senses—sight, smell, touch, and even hearing (bubbling sounds). Involving many senses increase the learning. 

Critical Thinking: You can encourage children to come up with a hypothesis and make predictions about what will happen when baking soda is added to the lemon. Will it fizz right away? Will more soap create bigger bubbles? Asking questions like this get kids thinking and helps them develop a scientist mindset! Turn it into a science fair project. 

Fine Motor Skills: Working with the lemons, squeezing juice, and stirring the mixture helps young children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Encourages Curiosity and Exploration: Once children see their first fizzy eruption, they’re going to want to try it again. This curiosity can lead to more questions and experimentation (like with other citrus fruits!). It can really help kids develop a love for science and exploration.

Simple STEM Learning: This activity is a great introduction to basic STEM principles. It allows children to explore cause and effect, make observations, and apply basic math concepts (like measuring ingredients).

I hope you’ll give these lemon volcanoes  a try!  They combine science and fun, making them the perfect activity to spark curiosity and excitement in children. Whether you’re looking to enrich your homeschool curriculum or just want a fun activity for a rainy afternoon, lemon volcanoes will definitely bring some amazing smelling excitement to your day!

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