Easy and fun Halloween craft for kids! Guess what? Halloween isn´t that far away, so Halloween crafts are a go! So, we crafted our first Halloween craft of the season to get you into the spooky spirit. This is a super easy and fun paper pumpkin or ghost craft activity with a FREE craft printable to start the season. It´s the perfect activity to do with the family or after-school craft activity.
This craft is excellent for young kids, and with the free craft printable, it is also perfect for classroom use, preschool, or kindergarten.
You can draw silly and spooky emotions or use this craft to break down emotions and start essential conversations about feelings with kids! What I love about this simple craft activity is that it displays emotions in an easy-to-understand way with a fun twist that will make you both giggle.
Follow the step-by-step craft instructions below for the Halloween art printable, or if you would like to create the pumpkin or ghost yourself.
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Craft supplies Halloween craft
Step-by-step craft instructions for ghost craft printable
Step 1: Download the printable right here. Print the printable; I recommend using thicker/heavier printing paper so the craft is more durable for little hands.
Step 2: If you like to color your spooky Halloween ghost with colored pencils or crayons, it is best to color before you cut out your ghost.
Step 3: Cut the ghost illustration on the black line or leave a small white border; see the picture above. Also, cut out the stroke with emotions on the dashed lines.
Step 4: Glue the two emotion strokes with a glue stick; you can secure the strokes with clear tape.
Step 5: Make two small cuts of 4.5 CM on the dashed lines from the ghost, where the expressions will appear.
Step 6: If you have a (popsicle) stick at home, you can glue your ghost on top. So you have a ghost puppet. Your child can hold the stick with one hand and pull the stroke with emotions with the other hand. Enjoy!
Step-by-step craft instructions for paper pumpkin activity
Step 1: Gather the craft supplies above and decide whether to make the pumpkin or the ghost.
Step 2: Cut your paper in the shape of a pumpkin or ghost. We made our pumpkin about 15 CM in height and the ghost about 20 CM. Also, cut a long stroke for the different emotions from the exact same color paper. Make the stroke the entire length of a letter or A4 size paper, so 29,7 CM by 5 CM width. See the paper shapes below.
Step 3: You can outline your pumpkin/ghost with a black marker or Sharpie so it pops more. And make some details on your pumpkin with an orange marker.
Step 4: If you´re creating the pumpkin, give the pumpkin a green stem and a green curly tendril.
Step 5: On your paper stroke, you draw expressions; you can only draw spooky faces or give your pumpkin all different emotions. You can use one stroke with emotions or glue multiple strokes together.
Step 6: Make two minor cuts in the middle of your pumpkin where you want your expressions to appear. Make each cut about 5.5 CM in height (so the stroke fits through). We kept about 5 CM in between both cuts. So, I recommend finding the middle of your pumpkin and measuring 2.5 CM to the left and right. To make your horizontal cuts.
Step 7: Slide your stroke with emotions between the two cuts from the backside. If you pull on one side, the emotions will appear in the front.
Would you be interested in more spooky crafts? Try out this “trap” the ghost craft; always a big hit with kids. Or these amazing chestnut spiders with a colorful twist!