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Home » 40 Paper Cup Craft Ideas (Cute Projects)

40 Paper Cup Craft Ideas (Cute Projects)

40 Paper Cup Craft Ideas pinterest image.

Paper cups aren’t just for drinks; they’re a canvas for creativity and a staple in craft bins everywhere.

40 Paper Cup Craft Ideas collage.

So, whether you’re planning an animal-themed party, are out of ideas on how to keep the kids running up and down on a rainy day, or just want to give your home décor a quick quick-fix facelift, here are 40 paper cup craft ideas to inspire you.

From humble paper cups, this collection of projects mines their many potentials to be used in creating delightful art, party decor, and even learning tools. Ideal for all ages and any skill level, here is some great inspiration to upgrade your boring paper cup to something quite special. It changes from the ordinary to the extraordinary.